"Inspired By The Holy Spirit"
This new series by well-known author and TV personality Bill Liversidge focuses on the unique ability of the Godhead to infuse life by indwelling. This is the special role of the Holy Spirit. Whether it is the Work of God, a movement of people, a Christ centered message or simply the human mind, the Holy Spirit's presence brings a vitality that is imcomparable. Every characteristic of Jesus is evident as the Spirit fulfils His role to make Jesus visible in human flesh. This dynamic series could bring revival and reformation to all who hear it.

This seminar series is focused on the death and resurrection of Jesus as a basis for a life of continuous growth through the Holy Spirit. Explore and rejoice in the Good News about the problem of sin in our lives, as you dig into Romans 5 through 8 with Pastor Bill Liversidge. This series will teach you how to have a remarkable and intimate relationship with Jesus, as you discover the secret of true, lasting victory over sin through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Learn practical steps that will yield powerful changes in your life and move you into ministry in the priesthood of all believers, as you consistently put them into practice.